Thursday, June 10, 2010

Improving your k/d ratio on Modern Warfare 2

You've looked everywhere on the interwebs for valid information about your k/d spread, or more specific, how to improve it. Well lucky you, you've finally found the spot. Instead of boring you with a large amount of bs, I'll give you the exact techniques I used to boost mine up. This isn't garbage repetative nonsense you see everywhere. This WILL help you. So enough of the chit-chat, on with the show!

Step 1: Don't die!
Now this may seem so obvious and you've probably have seen this tip listed EVERYWHERE else, on every blog/article/bathroom wall etc...BUT, this is the most crucial piece of info you need to know. "But Dave, you are such a scholar and a gentleman, how could you possibly risk your ENTIRE reputation on a tip that's repeated and recycled over and over again?!" My answer to you sir/ma'am is this: Your kill/death ratio is simple division. If you kill more per death, your score improves. In order to die less you must keep all of the following in your mind at all times. In combat, if you are not observed by your enemy, you cannot die from them. If you don't know where your enemy is, he knows the former statement I just made. KNOW where your enemy is by using the tools given to you: UAV, Radar, Teammates, Bullets, Footsteps, Shadows, Revenge kills, Maps, Your superior intellect. Stay away from your enemies. This DOES NOT mean setting up a tent and camping. In fact, if you camp, your enemy likely knows where you are. "Okay Mr. Knowitall! If I stay away from my enemies, how do I get kills?" EASY THERE TURBO...there's more to this list. Keep reading and find out.

Step 2: Keep your intel in mind
You know much much MUCH more about your enemy than you think you do. For instance, if you're playing domination and you hear that a point is being taken... you know that at least one enemy is around that area. Before you run and gun him down, sit and think. Which direction is he headed? Why is he heading that way? If he's smart he will probably try to conceal himself somehow right? That probably means that he's not standing up in the middle of the point for everyone to see. He's also probably trying to find out where you and your buddies are. Don't go rambo! You can snuff him out with your equipment or trap him inside the point. Use your claymores at strategic exit/entrance points, use flash/stun grenades to clear a room with a buddy, check your corners, don't react in other words...instead plan ahead. You're smarter than he is remember? Know your maps well enough to predict common routes and spots that your enemy will take. Don't take those same routes or spots because, you guessed it, he KNOWS WHERE THEY ARE! I know it sounds counter intuitive to avoid your enemy but seriously if you are patient and follow your own knowledge of the game then you will get more kills than you die.

Step 3: Improve your accuracy
"Duh Dave! How do you expect me to do that? It's the first thing I've tried!" Well genius, try relaxing a bit by having a cup of tea or whatever floats your boat. RELAX your mind. Don't react to an enemy. Don't worry about getting the kill. You have to hit him first before he dies. If it's a long distance shot, pull up your sights and concentrate on hitting him NOT killing him. Use a scope/red dot/acog/holographic and pinpoint your target. Pretend he's smaller than he is and shoot his eyeball instead of just his head. If he's moving, take into account lag, distance, speed, location, and direction. THINK! If he's moving too fast, don't give away your position, instead stealthily follow him until he slows down or move on to another target. Use a silencer to mask your location. Short bursts control your recoil and land more shots on target. Know how much damage your weapon does and take into account how long it will take you to down your enemy. If you can't finish him off fast enough, don't take the shot. Save your ammo and stealth status for a better moment. Don't jerk your controls, you'll look stupid on the kill cam.

Step 4: Play the campaign on veteran
Why do I need to mention this? The reason is because you learn the game mechanics, weapons, maps etc...without hurting your precious k/d and you learn to think on the go. You can also play spec ops and get three stars on each for even more practice. The point is to not limit yourself to just online multiplayer. Infinity Ward made a bigger game for a reason. Have fun with it. One huge advantage of playing offline also is you get to have an actual social life with real friends. Invite 3 other friends over and have an all sniping/knifing/explosive/whatever you want match. It will improve everything in your online experience. You will know the maps better, aim better, relax faster, and enjoy the game more. I love having my friends over to play much more so than playing online. There's no lag either! Don't neglect this step for pete's sake!

Step 5: Stop reading guides
This one is simple. You probably know all of the stuff that's available on the internet or even in books. Information becomes irrelevant and outdated anyway. Go play the game and enjoy it. Don't get so wrapped up in it that your forget to shower, eat, go outside, goto work and so forth. You can watch every video on youtube, read every blog, skim every magazine, but in the end it's all about playing the game. Go play now!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post! And your topic is one of my favorite games of all time! :)


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