Thursday, June 10, 2010

Controller rage and how to deal with it...

So we've all been there, sitting on the bed/couch, playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Five people are surrounding your spawn point and BAM! Noob tube to the face. What's that? You got him? Not with his tactical insertion point, BAM! another noob tube to the face. You start to feel angry. Your blood pressure rises. Frantically, you run around to avoid the danger of spawn killing. As soon as you pop around a corner...BAM! Headshot! It starts to fester within you and BAM!!! There goes your controller through your brand new 52" Sony tv. In this article you'll learn positive techniques to avoid such catastrophe.

I.) When you feel the's break time. Take a fiver and breath for a second. This is VERY important. Not only will your brain cool down, you will be able to concentrate better when you return.

II.) If you've played for more than 4 hours, quit the game and play another one or go for a run/take your dog out for a walk/eat food etc...don't be a hermit. You'll get more and more frustrated and be worse off.

III.) Watch some videos on Youtube for tactics and techniques better players use. Once you return, learn the maps and mimic the techniques you just learned.

IV.) Switch your class/map/gametype/perks. Learn to play the WHOLE game. Don't just stick to your favorite weapons and perks.

V.) Talk mad crap to your opponents! Not only will this make you feel better but it may even frustrate them and cause errors on their part.

VI.) The campaign mode is pretty awesome. If you haven't beaten the game offline, don't even start playing online. Beat it on Veteran difficulty and you will be a better player.

VII.) Don't concentrate on your K/D spread...This is CRITICAL! If you're worried about raising your k/d to 1.0, you will always fail. You need to be focused on how you're playing and having fun in the mean time. Are you checking your corners? Check them. Is your aim off? Mess around with the sensitivity options for your controller or try to relax and not overcorrect your aim. Are they camping? Flank them! Pinned down? Noob tube. It's a game, you have to learn to play it.

VIII.) Have a friend play you one on one. Most likely you'll be more relaxed because there's nothing at stake. You will learn the maps faster. With less rage, comes more focus.

IX.) Play hardcore matches. Yes I said it...if you play hardcore you will be more focused on surviving than killing which is important. There are a lot of sayings I could add to this one but I won't you already know them. Stay alive, it matters.

X.) Get a clan! Practice with other players, better teamwork means more kills for all of you. There are plenty of clans out there that will teach you the ropes. With regular team practice, you will become a better player.

If you honestly try all of these you WILL, 100% guaranteed, be better off when you resume normal play. Remember that it's a game, not a lifestyle. Don't get mad, get even!

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